SHIRT: Target // JACKET: TopShop // JEANS: American Eagle // SHOES: AdidasNEO // HAT: Oakley
With autumn slowly but surely making it's way down to the south, it's finally time for me to break out all my leather jackets! One of my favorite fashion accessories for autumn has to be jackets and sweaters, but with the weather being so hot all the time I haven't been able to wear them much lately.
The evening of this shoot was PERFECT weather, which we were so hoping for since it had been super hot every day prior.
I really loved this pairing of a black leather jacket with a black baseball cap! I have a large collection of hats and I think this one pulled the outfit together very nicely.
This is definitely one of those "comfy-but-still-looks-put-together" outfits, and I can already tell I'll be wearing it a lot this autumn!
*Thank you to Madison Oliver Photography for the photos!