the past couple of weeks.

I'm not going to lie to you. The past couple of weeks have all been a blur. It seems like everyday just flows into each other. As you are all well aware, the world is in a very weird state. Most, like myself, are not currently employed because businesses have shut down and we are spending most of our days alone indoors. 
It's a little discouraging, knowing that I can't create the way that I want to, and see the people I love. But I know it will be worth it for the day that everyone can be safe and together again. 

I wanted to share some pictures that I took over March that bring me joy. A lot of which are green/teal. Speaking of. I decided to bleach and color the front two pieces of my hair. It was a move honestly, and I haven't ever felt more like myself. 
Once this quarantine is over and I can see my hairdresser again, we're going to be doing something SUPER fun to my hair. Something I've never done before and I CAN'T wait to show you guys! 

What are some things you're doing to combat boredom? Any new music you've been listening to? Leave it in a comment and let's chat! 

- Lux